
Culturelink Newsletter Special Issue / October 2009

Registration Still Open to the Third World Culturelink Conference

Dear Culturelink members, dear C-News subscribers,

As the date of the Third World Culturelink Conference is nearing, to be held in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Culturelink Network from 13 to 15 November 2009 in Zagreb, Croatia, under the title Networks - The Evolving Aspects of Culture in the 21st Century, we invite you to register by 6 November 2009 at http://www.culturelink.hr/conf/clinkconf03/clinkconf03reg.html. Conference languages are English, French, Spanish and Croatian.

The conference is envisaged to bring together Culturelink Network members, researchers, professionals, and many others who perceive networking as one of the most intriguing phenomena of contemporary culture. Speakers in four sessions will aim to investigate the role and relevance that cultural networks hold for cultural development, offering a retrospective overview of the cultural networks phenomena in the past 20 years and posing as grounds for debate on new perspectives of cultural networking in the 21st century.

We are looking forward to fruitful discussions!

The Culturelink Team



Networks: The Evolving Aspects of Culture in the 21st Century

Zagreb, Croatia, 13-15 November 2009, Mimara Museum

Friday, 13 November 2009

Opening of the Conference

Welcoming Speeches by the Representatives of:

  • UNESCO Bresce
  • The Council of Europe
  • Ministry of Culture of The Republic of Croatia
  • Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of The Republic of Croatia
  • City of Zagreb

SESSION 1: Twenty Years of Cultural Networking

Session moderator: Biserka Cvjeticanin, Culturelink/IMO, Croatia

  • Mate Kovacs,OCPA, Hungary
    Short history of Culturelink Network from UNESCO's perspective
  • Kwon Huh, APRCCN / UNESCO Korea, South Korea
    Overview of Asia-Pacific Regional Centre of the Culturelink Network's (APRCCN) History and its Regional Role for Cultural Development
  • Paul van Paaschen, HIVOS, The Netherlands
    What Cultural Network Works? - An evaluation from a donor's perspective
  • Sarah Gardner, IFACCA, Australia
    Network sustainability and institutional change: Balancing resources, capabilities and performance
  • Nadezhda Dimitrova Savova, Artestransformador Network, Bulgaria
    The Role of International Council for Cultural Centers
  • Kathrin Deventer, European Festival Association, Belgium
    (Net)working networks and networked networks: Between participatory inclusion and authoritative political advocacy and action

SESSION 2: Effects of ICT and Digital Culture on Networking Dynamics

Session moderator: Aleksandra Uzelac, Culturelink/IMO, Croatia

  • Fritzie Brown, CEC ArtsLink, USA
    The Blog and the Shared Present
  • Jean Paul Fourmentraux, L'École des hautes études en sciences sociales-EHESS, France
    Innovative Artists: Transformations of Work and Arts organizations with ICT
  • Fedja Vukic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
    Virtual Museum of the Avant-garde art and the networking museology
  • Michael Roach, EUCLID, England
    Web 2.0 and web 3.0; impacts on networking practices in culture
  • Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
    Web 2.0 Arte 2.0 - Participación e Interculturalidad
  • Luisa Gomez Martinez, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
    Cuestionando la Des-territorialización. Hiperterritorio y Dimensiones Imaginarias de la Espacialidad en Relación a las Nuevas Cartografías
  • Katherine Watson, LabforCulture, The Netherlands

Saturday, 14 November 2009

SESSION 3: Cultural Networks and Cultural Policy

Session moderator: Nada Svob Djokic, Culturelink/IMO, Croatia

  • Raj Isar, The American University of Paris, France
    Cultural networks and cultural policy: Issues and imperatives
  • Colin Mercer, Freelance cultural policy expert, England
    Culturelinks: Cultural networks and cultural policy in the digital age
  • Lupwishi Mbuyamba, OCPA, Mozambique
    L'impact des réseaux dans la promotion des activités des partenaires
  • Karen Jeynes, PANSA, South Africa
    Third World Networks: The Democratisation of Culture
  • Mike van Graan, ARTerial Network, South Africa
    Making sense of international cultural discourse for Africa: The role of the Arterial Network
  • Rasia Friedler, Latin American Network of Art for Social Transformation, Urugvay
    Arte participativo, resiliencia y transformación social
  • Jinsik Lee, Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, South Korea
    Asian Culture Complex: A Home for Asian Cultural Diversity
  • Oumar Sall, Groupe 30 Afrique, Senegal
    Du rôle social des réseaux en Afrique : Un engagement pour le bien-être

SESSION 4: Evolving Networking Culture

Session moderator: Joost Smiers, Utrecht School of the Arts, The Netherlands

  • Mary Ann DeVlieg, IETM, Belgium
  • Garry Neil, INCD, Canada
    The success of global NGOs around the UNESCO Cultural Diversity Convention: Harbinger of a broad movement, or the end of international cultural activism?
  • Philippe Teillet, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Grenoble, France
    La construction de réseaux dans les secteurs émergents : Entre lobbying et coalition de cause
  • Cristina Farinha, Freelance researcher, Portugal
    Networks as Contemporary Diasporas: Artists in between individuality and the community in Europe
  • Ana Wortman, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Redes como práctica. Su impacto en las ciencias sociales y el desarrollo cultural en América Latina
  • Jean Pierre Deru, Association Marcel Hicter pour la Démocratie Culturelle, Belgium
    Evolution de la culture des réseaux


  • Branka Cvjeticanin, Independent artist, Croatia
    From the nucleus to the fireworks
  • Andrea Marchesini Reggiani, ACP-EU Courier, Italy
    Cultural Networks and Cultural Policy in the ACP-EU Courier – New Edition
  • Sandra Federici, Africa e Mediterraneo, Italy
    Networks as tools/media for innovative approaches to cultural diversity and intercultural communication

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Walking Sightseeing Tour of Zagreb

The Conference Programme is supported by: UNESCO Bresce; HIVOS: The Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation; Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of The Republic of Croatia; Ministry of Culture of The Republic of Croatia; City of Zagreb; Ambassade de France en Croatie; Ambassade de Belgique à Zagreb; Austrian Cultural Forum


© 2009 Culturelink, Network of Networks for Research and Cooperation in Cultural Development

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Culturelink/IMO, Vukotinoviceva 2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; tel:+385-1-4877460, fax:+385-1-4828361
clink@irmo.hr, http://www.culturelink.org