
Culturelink Newsletter No. 057/December 2010

We wish all our members, collaborators and partners the very best in 2011,
and further successful cooperation in the promotion of intercultural communication and dialogue.

The Culturelink Team

Calls for Entries and Applications

1.   Ramon Roca Boncompte International Award For Cultural Management Studies

With the aim of contributing to the development of dissemination of research in the field of cultural management at the European level, Ros Roca Group and FiraTàrrega have launched the Ramon Roca Boncompte International Award for Cultural Management. Application deadline is 1 April 2011. >>>

2.   Humanity Photo Awards (HPA) Contest

Aiming to record the world's folklore cultures, the Humanity Photo Awards (HPA) 2011, organized by the China Folklore Photographic Association (CFPA) and UNESCO, invites worldwide participation in this contest by 15 April 2011. >>>

Educational Programmes and Fellowships

3.   UCSD Visual Arts MFA and PhD

UC San Diego calls for applications to its Master of Fine Arts Programme and its PhD Programme in Art History, to be submitted by 18 January 2011 and 11 January 2011 respectively. >>>

4.   International Master Programme in Curating Art

The Stockholm University calls for applications to its International Master Programme in Curating Art, including Management and Law. Application deadline for the 2011/2012 courses starting in August 2011 is 15 January 2011. >>>

5.   IIAS Summer Programme

From 19-26 June 2011, the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) will organize a summer programme in Leiden, the Netherlands, for MA and PhD students on the topic of Heritage Conserved and Contested: Asian and European Perspectives. Registration deadline is 15 January 2011. >>>

6.   University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) New Media Arts MFA Programme

University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) calls for applications to its two-year New Media Arts MFA programme for Fall 2011. Application deadline is 1 February 2011. >>>


7.   Latin-American Network on Cultural Management

Aiming to set up a meeting point between cultural agents working in Latin America, several professionals, organisations and academic institutions from this sector have launched the Latin-American Network on Cultural Management (RedLGC). >>>

8.   Climate Change: Artists Respond

The new Research in Focus on LabforCulture features interviews and identifies key questions in the culture and climate debate, through which researcher Lidia Varbanova investigates culture's response to the issue of sustainability. >>>

New Books and Publications

9.   Rediscovering the Wealth of Places

In Rediscovering the Wealth of Places: A Municipal Cultural Planning Handbook for Canadian Communities, Greg Baeker provides a practical introduction to core planning concepts and tools for municipal cultural planning and includes an exceptional methodology for cultural mapping and cultural planning. >>>

10.   Dance Anatomy

Through effective dance, movement, and performance exercises, this well written, informative guide offers creative advice for dancers on how to stay healthy, achieve their full potential, discover more efficient ways to improve their technique and proper breathing, and prevent common injuries. >>>

11.   Speaking Across Borders: The Role of Higher Education in Furthering Intercultural Dialogue

This book, edited jointly by the Council of Europe and the International Association of Universities (IAU), explores the role of higher education in developing intercultural dialogue, setting out the political context for intercultural dialogue and exploring how universities can move from dialogue on campus to dialogue in society. >>>

© 2010 Culturelink, Network of Networks for Research and Cooperation in Cultural Development

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