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International Course Announcement

announcement - report - collection of papers (also available as free e-book)

Managing Cultural Transitions: Southeastern Europe

Institute for International Relations, Zagreb
Inter University Centre - IUC, Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik, 9 - 16 May 2004

Course Directors

Nada Švob-Đokić, Institute for International Relations, Zagreb
Jirina Šmejkalova, University of Lincoln, Lincoln


Vesna Čopić, Vjeran Katunarić, Dona Kolar-Panov, Delia Mucica, Nina Obuljen, Zrinjka Peruško, Jaka Primorac, Corina Suteu, Jirina Šmejkalova, Nada Švob-Đokić, Lidia Varbanova

Background and Objectives

This is the fourth in the series of courses under the same title Redefining Cultural Identities, organized by the Department of Culture and Communication of the Institute for International Relations, Zagreb. The courses have been held at Inter University Centre in Dubrovnik continuously from the year 2000. The first course was devoted to the Multicultural Contexts of the Central European and Mediterranean Regions, followed in 2001 by the course that dealt with the Redefinition of Cultural Identities in Southeastern Europe. The scope of the third course entitled Cultural Industries and Technological Convergence concentrated on cultural industries, technological convergence, cultural consumption and on cultural identities in the Southeastern European and Central European countries in transition.

Redefining Cultural Identities continues with this year's course entitled Managing Cultural Transitions: Southeastern Europe. The objective of this year's course is to provide an analytical insight into theoretical and conceptual issues of cultural transitions, to examine cultural policies in the context of cultural transitions and the EU integration and to examine the development of their institutional and organizational aspects. An insight into the cultural economics and cultural communication is included in the program.

Target participants

Postgraduate students and cultural practitioners interested in the above-mentioned topics.

Course Programme

The programme of the course combines the following lectures that offer a basis for discussion:

  • Introduction (Nada Švob-Đokić)
  • Cultural Transitions: Some Conceptual Issues (Jirina Šmejkalova)
  • Cultural Contexts of Transition Processes (Nada Švob-Đokić)
  • Cultural Economics: Privatization of Culture; Balancing State and Private Support for the Arts; Alternative Financial Instruments (Lidia Varbanova)
  • Mapping the Position of Cultural Industries in Southeastern Europe (Jaka Primorac)
  • Influence of the EU Enlargement on Cultural Policies in Countries in Transition (Nina Obuljen)
  • After Decentralization: the New Public Culture (Vjeran Katunarić)
  • Culture in Transition: Reconceptualization of the Role of Politics, Experts and Civil Society (Vesna Čopić)
  • Cultural Policies – Needs and Impact Assessments (Delia Mucica)
  • Criteria of Evaluation of SEE Cultural Policies - Several Contoversial Points (Corina Suteu)
  • Cultural Policy and the Digitalization of Culture (Dona Kolar-Panov)
  • Transnational Media Concentration and Its Impact on Cultural and Media Diversity in Southeastern Europe (Zrinjka Peruško)


Please, send a short CV and a letter of motivation.

Contact Addresses

Jaka Primorac
Institute for International Relations
Lj.F. Vukotinovića 2/II
10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Phone: +385 1 48 26 522
Fax: +385 1 48 28 361
e-mail: jaka@irmo.hr

Inter University Centre Dubrovnik
Don Frana Bulića 4
HR-20000 Dubrovnik

Phone: +385 20 413626, 413627
Fax: +385 20 413628
e-mail: iuc@du.tel.hr

Welcome to Dubrovnik


Institute for International Relations
Institute for International Relations
Inter-University Centre