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Year 2003 Events

Cultural Capital of Europe

Graz 2003

Graz, the Provincial Capital of Styria, Austria, has been chosen as the Cultural Capital of Europe for the year 2003. Thanks to its cultural roots, Graz has developed a certain cultural image, and this will be a strong basis for 2003. The main goal for the programme of Graz 2003, which is being put together by Wolfgang Lorenz and his programme study group as work in progress, will be to make its cultural authenticity visible to Europe and to strengthen it by cooperation programmes within the European countries. The subjects on which the Cultural Capital will concentrate will be the following:

  • Children and young people;
  • Universities and technical colleges;
  • New media;
  • Visual arts and exhibitions;
  • Theatre and music;
  • Literature;
  • Architecture;
  • Film and television;
  • Cultures and religions.

A number of projects are to be undertaken within the framework of each section. Also, high quality activities that are already taking place in the field of contemporary art, such as the 'Styrian Autumn' festival, 'styriarte', or the film festival 'Diagonale', will be included in the Cultural Capital year. Besides that, 'The Feel of the City', the way that tourists and the local population experience the city as everyday culture, will be the main part of the project. The spectrum here ranges from the airport to the railway station, from traffic measures to the city facilities, bars, restaurants, hotels, etc.

Have you already decided where to go in the year 2003?

If not, please contact: Graz 2003 - Kulturhauptstadt Europas, Programmintendanz, Herrengasse 28/3, A-8010 Graz, Austria; tel.: ++43 316 85003; fax: ++43 316 850003-4; e-mail: kulturstadt.graz.2003@graz.at

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Networks and Globalisation: Polis, Nation and Globalisation

Santiago de Chile, Chile 3-10 January 2003

Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (Institute for Advanced Studies) of the University of Santiago de Chile has announced that the topic of the Ninth International Seminar in Social Sciences and Humanities, to be held at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 3-10 January 2003, will be Networks and Globalisation: Polis, Nation and Globalisation.

Looking at networks, the cultural sector, cultural industries and the influence of academia, the seminar will analyse the position that culture has in today's world. A particular emphasis will be placed on the globalisation processes from the southern perspective.

The seminar will be conducted in Spanish and Portuguese.

For more information, please contact: Instituto de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Roman Diaz 89, Providencia, Santiago de Chile, Chile, tel.: (+56-2) 236 01 36; fax: (+56-2) 235 80 89;

Dr. Eduardo Deves Valdes, e-mail: edeves@lauca.usach.cl; http://www.usach.cl/idea/archivos/seminario/index.htm

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Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 12-15 January 2003

The Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities will be held 12-15 January 2003, at the Waikiki Sheraton Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii.

For more information, please contact: humanities@hichumanities.org; http://www.hichumanities.org

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Discussion Series on Cultural Diversity

Zagreb, Croatia, 22 January - 28 May 2003

The French Institute in Zagreb and the Culturelink Network/IMO are coorganizing a Discussion Series on Cultural Diversity, to be held between 22 January 2003 and 28 May 2003 in Zagreb, Croatia, with the aim of encouraging the Croatian public, its artists and professionals in the field of culture to discuss issues concerning cultural and media diversity and to consider the future of cultural policies, in order to counteract the negative trends latest research results have been warning about.

Artists worldwide are loosing the space for their activities in social environments oversupplied with imported, entirely commercial, events and programmes. Products of the entertainment industry are distributed by a handful of multinational companies which dominate the market, and international organizations such as the WTO can make things worse by gradually restricting the rights of countries to encourage artistic production and support the work of cultural institutions through traditional cultural policy mechanisms.

At the same time, a global movement is taking place, similar to the environmental protection movement. Ministers of culture, artists, non-governmental organizations, professional artistic organizations and researchers are creating networks and promoting a new form of international solidarity, aiming to jointly find a solution to counteract the negative trends and make possible a different type of exchange in order to secure a promotion of cultural diversity within as well as between individual countries.

As part of this event, four discussions will be held, based on lectures by Croatian and international experts such as Catherine Lalumiere, Member of the European Parliament and former Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Yvon Thiec, Secretary General of Eurocinema and Member of INCD Steering Committee, and Garry Neil, Coordinator of the International Network for Cultural Diversity (INCD).


  • 22 January 2003
    Globalization, Trade Liberalization, Cultural Policies and Cultural Diversity - Should Artists be Worried?
    Nina Obuljen, IMO/Culturelink, Member of INCD Steering Committee
    Ivica Šimiæ, Member of ASSITEJ Executive Council
  • 26 February 2003
    Media and Cultural Diversity - Present Status and Future Development of Cultural Industries
    Dr. Zrinjka Peruško Èulek, IMO, Member of the Council of Europe Expert Group on Media Diversity
    Robert Stéphane, Chairman, European Bureau for Cinema and Television
  • 19 March 2003
    The Role of the EU in the Promotion of Cultural and Media Diversity
    Catherine Lalumière, Representative of the European Parliament former Secretary General of the Council of Europe
    Claude Veron, Director of the French Institute in Zagreb
    Nada Švob-Ðokiæ, Assistant Minister of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia
  • 28 May 2003
    Do We Need a Convention on Cultural Diversity?
    Garry Neil, INCD Coordinator
    Vjeran Katunariæ, professor of sociology at the University of Zagreb

For further information, please contact: Nina Obuljen, Culturelink/IMO, Lj.F. Vukotinoviæa 2, P.O. Box 303, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; tel. +385-1-4826522; fax: +385-1-4828361; e-mail: nina@irmo.hr

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La Rencontre de Tromsø

Tromsø, Norway, 23-26 January 2003

Les Rencontres will hold its meeting La Rencontre de Tromsø in Norway on 23-26 January 2003 to discuss particular problems facing the North of Europe, but which also concern the rest of the continent. Issues range from the consequences of climatic changes to the conflicting but promising relationships between the countries of this northern region, and from environmental and cultural problems to the need for a special network of elected officials in charge of culture for the Scandinavian countries, which are among the most active in the European Union.

Three plenary sessions will be held:

  • The Countries of Northern Europe and the Question of Enlargement
  • Nature as Heritage: Environment and Culture
  • Inter-Cultural Dialogue in this Northern Region – Russian, Finnish, Norwegian and Lapp Culture

For further information please contact: Steven Smith, Les Rencontres, 3 rue Roger, F-75014 Paris, France; tel.: + 33-1-56542631; fax: + 33-1-45387013; e-mail: info@lesrencontres.org; http://www.lesrencontres.org

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E-Books and the Future: e-xploring a new found land

Bournemouth, UK, 26-31 January 2003

The British Council is organising a six day seminar, E-Books and the Future: e-xploring a new found land in Bournemouth, UK, 26-31 January 2003. The seminar will provide an in-depth look of the e-book phenomenon, discussing the use, range and depth of the product. Other topics to be discussed will be how e-books are used for learning, pleasure and disseminating information, as well as the development of case studies from key thinkers in the field.

The seminar should be of interest to policy makers, senior library and information professionals in all library sectors. Participants attending the seminar will not only gain a unique insight into this cutting edge technology, but will also have a chance to debate these issues and gain better knowledge of this field. Participants will also have an opportunity to learn about the future of strategic planning at a national, sector and service level, through this technology.

For more information, please contact: International Networking Events, The British Council, 1 Beaumont Place, Oxford OX1 2PJ, United Kingdom; tel.: +44 (0) 1865 316636; fax: +44 (0) 1865 557368/516590; e-mail: yellowteam.seminars@britishcouncil.org

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Rencontres internationales des organisations professionnelles de la culture

Paris, France, 2-4 February 2003

The conference Rencontres internationales des organisations professionnelles de la culture will be held in Paris, 2-4 February 2003. It will explore the challenges and threats of trade negotiations on culture and cultural diversity, with a special focus on current trade negotiations and the importance of cultural policies for the protection of cultural diversity. 150 participants are expected to attend who will discuss, among other things, strategies for better organisation and communication among professional organisations.

For more information, please contact: Ms Debora Abramowicz, Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques - SACD, 11 bis rue Ballu, F-75008 Paris, France; tel.: +33 1 40 23 46 90; fax: +33 1 40 23 45 58; e-mail: debora.abramowicz@sacd.fr; http://www.comitedevigilance.org

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Synergy: Arts, Health and Design World Symposium

Sydney, Australia, February 2-5, 2003

Are you interested in arts and culture in the context of health and well-being? Would you like to hear about the latest research and cutting edge practices in health, design, arts and culture? Would you like to engage in a critical discussion on creative and innovative ways of promoting health and well-being?

Are you working to improve quality of life on a local level? Are you a health professional interested in creative ways of engaging local communities in health issues? Would you like to meet people from all over the world who work in this capacity?

Are you an artist interested in developing a relationship with the health and well-being sector?

Are you interested in the way to redefine the notion of 'space' through environmental design and its effects on the people who use it?

If yes, then this conference is for you!

For more information, please contact: Marily Cintra, Director, The Arts for Health Research Centre, PO Box 3390, Liverpool, NSW 2170 Australia; tel.: +61 2 9828 6313; fax: +61 2 9828 6318; e-mail: Marily.Cintra@placemaking.com.au; http://www.placemaking.com.au

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Indonesia International Cultural Studies Conference

Trawas, Indonesia, 3-5 February 2003

The University of Indonesia and Petra Christian University are co-organising the first Indonesia International Cultural Studies Conference in Trawas, East Java, Indonesia, 3-5 February 2003. The theme is The Global/Local Nexus in Cultural Studies.

Contact: Manneke Budiman, Department of English, University of Indonesia, e-mail: manneke@makara.cso.ui.ac.id

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Common Threads: An Agenda for Active Citizenship

London, UK, 4-5 February 2003

Common Threads: An Agenda for Active Citizenship is a symposium, organised by the Centre for Creative Communities (CCC) in London, UK, 4-5 February 2003.

The Centre for Creative Communities is an independent think tank which has worked with communities in the UK, Europe and the USA in applying the 'Common Threads' methodology. This methodology, used by the CCC since 1996, has been providing valuable tools for community building throughout the world, emphasising cultural diversity and useful ways to link personal, social and cultural development as well as helping to create a sense of belonging and citizenship.

The symposium will illustrate a range of effective cross-sector partnerships. It will consist of plenary sessions, seminars and an exhibition open to participants. The plenary sessions will address global and local citizenship, the information sector, corporate and social responsibility, teaching and learning, culture and community and values and civil society.

Seminars are to be grouped around three main topics:

1. Issues and Challenges

  • Exclusion and Homelessness,
  • Lifelong Education and Learning,
  • Urban Environment and Learning,
  • Press and Broadcasting,
  • Young People, Disaffection and Crime,
  • Local Governance.

2. Structures and Solutions

  • Diversity,
  • Occupation and Employment,
  • Natural Environment - Rural and Urban,
  • The Impact of the New Media,
  • Health and Well-Being,
  • National Governance.

3. New Ideas and Dreams

  • Civil Society and Volunteering,
  • Training for Cross-Sector Partnership,
  • Financial Changes,
  • Information Sector and Democracy,
  • Cultural Pluralism,
  • Global Citizenship.

For more information, please contact: Centre for Creative Communities, 118 Commercial Street, London E1 6NF, United Kingdom, tel.: +44 20 7247 5385; fax: +44 20 7247 5256; e-mail: info@creativecommunities.org.uk; http://www.creativecommunities.org.uk

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Central and Eastern European Fundraising Workshop

Budapest, Hungary, 6-9 February 2003

The Civil Society Development Foundation (CSDF) Hungary, in partnership with The Resource Alliance, is hosting an international workshop on fundraising, devoted to Central and Eastern European countries. It will be held in Budapest, 6-9 February 2003.

The workshop will focus on introducing cutting-edge information on how to create and mobilise local and regional resources who will provide financial stability to NGOs in the region. It will focus on:

  • Developing fundraising and resource mobilisation skills;
  • Providing opportunities to share regional and international practices and success stories;
  • Promoting fundraising as a profession.

The workshop welcomes leaders and fundraisers of established NGOs in the region, representatives from international NGOs, their regional offices and donor agencies and those who are interested in pursuing a career in fundraising.

For more information, please contact: CSDF Hungary, Meszöly u. 4, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary; tel.: +36 1 385 2966; fax: +36 1 381 0011; e-mail: fundraisingworkshop@csdf.hu; http://www.csdf.hu

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Cultural Enterprises and Services Management

Brazzaville, Congo, 17 –22 February 2003

The Société Congolaise de Developpment des Industries Culturelles (SOCODIC) is organising a sub-regional seminar entitled Cultural Enterprises and Services Management, and Animation Art and Technique, to be held in Brazzaville, Congo, on 17-22 February 2003.

The seminar aims to improve the management and service delivery of cultural enterprises and to strengthen the delegates' knowledge of arts business practices through examining a variety or topics including cultural enterprises and the economic dimension of culture, the sociological theory of organisations, management accounting in the cultural field, cultural services and civic participation, and copywright and intellectual property issues.

For further information please contact: Mr. Tiburce Gabriel Bidounga, Seminar Co-ordinator; tel.: (242) 811828, fax: (242) 285887, e-mail: socodic@yahoo.fr

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Celebrating Creative Spaces Conference

Wellington, Australia, 25-27 February 2003

Creative Spaces are places where people with disabilities can express themselves.

Creative Spaces are places where refugee and migrant groups celebrate their cultural diversity.

Creative Spaces are places where young people can find resiliency and enhanced self-esteem.

The Celebrating Creative Spaces conference will give you ideas and inspiration for your programmes and for the development of new Creative Spaces.

The conference will be held at Kilbirnie, Wellington, 25-27 February 2003. Arts Access Aotearoa (See Culturelink no. 36/April 2002, pp. 11-12.) has received over three hundred requests for more information about this conference.

The conference format will include speakers from Creative Spaces working with young people, people with psychiatric, physical and intellectual disabilities, the older adults in care, and refugee and migrant groups. The first day will include a showcase of Creative Spaces, and keynote speeches emphasising the culture of Creative Spaces including the histories, ideologies and values of the Creative Spaces movement in all sectors. A list of confirmed speakers can be found on Arts Access Aotearoa website at http://www.artsaccess.org.nz.

There have also been requests for workshops at the conference to discuss funding, health and safety issues, copyright and intellectual property, art forms and programmes and art form ideas. A feature of the conference will be opportunities to share ideas that have been successful.

Art form-based workshops may include working with music, paper making, moulding with clay and paper, musical instrument making, using theatre in Creative Spaces, poetry and writing, publishing, and many other activities.

To register, please contact: Arts Access Aotearoa, P.O. Box 9828, Wellington, New Zealand, fax: +64 4 473-2905; or visit http://www.artsaccess.org.nz/

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Worldwide Music Fiesta - Strictly Mundial

Marseille, France, 26 February - 1 March 2003

Strictly Mundial is a cultural event, a meeting point for artists and concert programmers and organizers. The third edition of Strictly Mundial will take place from 26 February to 1 March 2003 in Marseille, France, at the Dock des Suds, one of the best concert halls in southern France, with optimal acoustic quality.

In downtown Marseille, Strictly Mundial 2003 will provide a place for the expression of musical creation, but also a place for reflection and exchanges. The programme of this edition will be mainly focused on the Mediterranean music, with a particular stress on Algeria. Numerous events will take place during these four days.

To obtain more information, please contact: Strictly Mundial 2003 - Dock des Suds, BP 81, 13908 Marseille cedex 20, France, tel.: +33 4 91 99 20 82; fax: 33 4 91 91 73 85; e-mail: strictlymarseille@dock-des-suds.org; http://www.dock-des-suds.org

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Journeys of Expression II

Cultural Festivals/Events and Tourism

Vienna, Austria, 6-9 March 2003

Journeys of Expression II: Cultural Festivals/Events and Tourism, an international conference organised by the Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Sheffield Hallam University, in association with the International Festivals and Events Association Europe, will be held in Vienna, 6-9 March 2003.

The conference is a unique occasion for Cultural Festivals and Events practitioners and policy makers to get together with academic specialists in Cultural Festivals/Events and Tourism.

Papers are invited to cover a variety of topics, including:

  • Economic Evaluations of Festivals and Events
  • Festivals and Events as a Tool for Urban and Rural Regeneration
  • Expressions of Heritage, Identity and Place Representation Through Cultural Festivals and Events
  • Tourism and Arts Festivals
  • Developing and Managing Tourist Markets for Festivals and Events.

For more information, please contact:

Academic Enquiries: Liz Owen or Phil Long, Centre of Tourism and Cultural Change, Sheffield Hallam University, Owen Building, Howard Street, Sheffield, United Kingdom, S1 1WB, tel: +44 (0) 114 225 2872/2957; fax: +44 (0) 114 225 3343; email: e.owen@shu.ac.uk

General enquiries: Marisa Schiestl-Swarovski, Projekkoordination, IFEA Europe Conference 2003, Hallamasch Events and Artists, Himmelpfortgasse 19, 1010 Vienna, Austria, tel: +43 1 548 48 00/12; fax: +43 1 548 48 00 9; e-mail: network@hallamasch.at; http://www.hallamasch.com

Address: IFEA-Europe, att: Evelien Winkel, c/o Netherlands Board of Tourism, P.O. Box 458, 2260 MG Leidschendam, The Netherlands; tel.: +31 70 3705 296; fax: +31 70 3705 425; e-mail: ifea@nbt.nl; http://www.ifeaeurope.com/

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2003 International Symposium on NGO and Cultural Policy

Taipei, Taiwan, 14-16 March 2003

The Arts Development Association of Taiwan (ADAT) (See p. 10 in this issue.) is organising an international symposium on NGO and Cultural Policy that will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, 14-16 March 2003.

Building on the achievements from the 2nd Culture and Public Policy Workshop, the 2003 International Symposium on NGO and Cultural Policy will address issues concerning the international community and specifically NGO's, think tanks and cultural policy-making in Taiwan. An important issue at this symposium is how to integrate Taiwan into the international cultural policy-making networks.

Cultural policy-making will be addressed through case studies, panel discussions and workshops.

  • Case Study: introduce international NGO think tanks on cultural policies in order to mobilise Taiwan's NGOs and offer new perspectives on public issues, policy-making and management strategies.
  • Panel Discussion: invite representatives of related fields from Taiwan and other countries to participate in discussions concerning social development, relations between the legal system and culture legislation, and NGOs' role in culture policy-making and lobbying.
  • Leadership Workshop: host 20 leaders of cultural NGOs from Taiwan and other countries who will discuss the relationship between NGOs and other social resources.

For further information, please contact: Ms. Muriel Chen, ADAT, 2F, No. 9-1, Lane77, Sec1, Hangjou South Road, Taipei 100, Taiwan, tel.: 886-2-23578818; fax: 886-2-23211739; e-mail: icheng@adat.org.tw; http://www.adat.org.tw

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Museums and the Web 2003

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 19-22 March 2003

The largest international conference devoted to institutions of cultural heritage and the new media, invites participants to Charlotte, North Carolina, 19-22 March 2003.

Information about prior Museum and Web Conferences are available at: http://www.archimuse.com/pub.order.html

Individual papers are available on-line at each annual conference web site.

For more information, please visit: http://www.archimuse.com/mw2003/

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Culture - From Information to Knowledge

The Role of Culture in the Knowledge Based Society

Moscow, Russia, 7-9 April 2003

This international conference aims to bring together professionals and policy makers from libraries, museums, archives and other cultural institutions to debate the digital era of culture and its impact on the development of knowledge based societies. The conference should improve communication between memory institutions in Russia, CIS and their counterparts in Central and Eastern Europe, the EU and the USA. In the context of the European Commission's IST Programme, the conference will foster the dissemination and exploitation of IST project results in Russia, showcase best practice in cultural heritage and technology of Russia, and create opportunities for future international cooperation.

For more information please contact conf@cultivate.ru or visit http://www.conf.cultivate.ru/2003/english/

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Mercator International Symposium on European Minority Languages and Research

Aberystwyth, Wales, UK, 8-10 April 2003

The First Mercator International Symposium on European Minority Languages and Research will be held in Aberystwyth, Wales, 8-10 April 2003.

Details about the symposium, a call for papers and registration forms may be found at: http://www.mercator-education.org

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Enhancing the Capacities to Govern

Challenges facing the CEE countries

Bucharest, Romania, 10-12 April 2003

The 11th Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) Annual Conference on Enhancing the Capacities to Govern will be held in Bucharest, Romania, 10-12 April 2003. The conference provides a forum to encourage the exchange of information and developments in the theory and practice of public administration. The conference is intended for specialists, scholars and practitioners who work in the field of public administration in Central and Eastern Europe (including all countries covered by the NISPAcee membership, the Russian Federation, Caucasus and Central Asia).

The conference will meet in a plenary panel discussion and working sessions on the main conference theme. Meetings of the NISPAcee Working Groups will run in parallel. Papers are invited on the main theme or on the themes of the Working Groups. The call for participation in the Working Groups for next year's conference is based on the outcome of the NISPAcee Conference in Cracow in 2002.

Information on the conference is available on the NISPAcee web site http://www.nispa.sk/

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Genesis Opera Project

Call for Entries
London, UK, 14 April 2003

The Genesis Foundation now invites applications for the second Genesis Opera Project (formerly The Genesis Prizes for Opera), an international commissioning scheme for new opera and music theatre.

The project is open to composers aged 35-years and under and their collaborators. Genesis is looking for both composer-led projects and those that have been initiated by writers, directors or other members of a creative team. The project actively supports artists from other disciplines considering working in opera.

Six projects will be shortlisted for development by an advisory panel (with a commission fee of £3,000 to each composer and writer) culminating in workshops in London in early 2004. Three of the projects will be chosen for full production in London and elsewhere in 2005 with further commission fees payable of £15,000 to the composer and £3,000 to the writer.

The closing date for applications is 14 April 2003.

If you or anyone you know would like to apply for the Genesis Opera Project, please request full guidelines and an application form from GOP@genesisfoundation.org.uk or contact: The Administrator, Genesis Opera Project, Genesis Foundation, PO Box 32815, London, N1 1GE, UK.

Full information can be found at http://www.genesisfoundation.org.uk/ where guidelines and application forms are available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

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Philology and Culture

Tambov, Russia, 16-18 April 2003

The Fourth Annual Conference, Philology and Culture, will be held at the Tambov State University with the support of the Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 16-18 April 2003.

Topics will include: Understanding Language on a Global Level, Theoretical and Behavioural Problems of Language, Language Policy, Ethnical and Cultural Factors of Determining Language, Translation Studies: Theory and Practice, Inter- and Intracultural Communication, Relationship between Language and Culture, Interaction and Influence, National and Language Identity (Linguistic, Cultural and Psycholinguistic Aspects), Juxtapositional Conceptology, Idiolectic Language Mentality: Category of text interpretation, Literature Studies and Problems of Cultural Synthesis, Intercultural Communication: Theory and Practice.

Contact: T.A. Fesenko at zusman@tsu.tmb.ru

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New Trends in the Sociology of the Arts

Paris, France, 22–26 April 2003

For the first time, two leading international associations in the field will hold a joint meeting in the sociology of the arts to showcase innovative work: the Sociology of the Arts Research Network of the European Sociological Association, and the Sociology of the Arts Research Committee of the International Sociological Association.

The congress will focus on New Trends in the Sociology of the Arts. Part of the conference will be devoted to tributes to established leaders in the field, beginning with a plenary on the legacy of Pierre Bourdieu in sociology of the arts. Howard S. Becker, Raymonde Moulin and Vera Zolberg will be invited and a tribute will be paid to their work in the first part of the plenary sessions.

The general themes for the rest of the plenary sessions and the contributed paper sessions are still provisional. Abstracts may be submitted electronically in three formats (pasted into the body of the message or as attachments saved in Word or RTF formats) to Madame Dominique Lhote.

For more information, please contact quemin@univ-mlv.fr.

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Intellectual Property in the Knowledge Economy

China, 24-26 April 2003

The People's Republic of China has announced that it will host a WIPO summit on intellectual property on 24-26 April 2003 on the subject of Intellectual Property in the Knowledge Economy.

To be attended by heads of state, other senior government officials, as well as the private sector, the summit aims to demonstrate how the intellectual property system enables all countries to tap into their unique sources of intellectual capital and to reap the benefits of their creativity and innovation.

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E-Culture: The European Perspective

Cultural Policy - Knowledge Industries - Information Lag
Zagreb, Croatia, 24-27 April 2003

Culturelink and CIRCLE will jointly organise a Round Table meeting on e-culture and cultural policy information systems to be held on 24-27 April 2003 in Zagreb, Croatia. The Round Table entitled E-Culture: The European Perspective is intended to discuss existing on-line resources, present and future cultural policy strategies, e-culture and the new economy, and include a wider debate with key professionals from the e-community and business community.

For more information, see the conference home page.

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Annual Conference on Language, Interaction and Culture

UC Santa Barbara, USA, 8-10 May 2003

The Ninth Annual Conference on Language, Interaction and Culture to be held at the University of California, 8-10 May 2003, is sponsored by the Language, Interaction, and Social Organisation (LISO) at the University of California, Santa Barbara and the Center for Language, Interaction and Culture at the University of California, Los Angeles.

The annual conference promotes interdisciplinary research to study human interaction through conversation, discourse and ethnographic analysis, etymology and linguistics.

The LISO web page can be viewed at http://orgs.sa.ucsb.edu/liso/.

Contact conference organisers at lisograd@mail.lsit.ucsb.edu.

For more information, please contact: Mardi Kidwell, e-mail: mjk0@umail.ucsb.edu

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The Politics of Dress

Third Conference on the Fashion Discipline
Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 16-17 May 2003

Organisers: Elizabeth Wilson, University of North London, Valerie Steele, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, Christopher Breward, London College of Fashion, Patrizia Calefato, University of Bari, Djurdja Bartlett, University of North London.

Date: 16-17 May 2003.

Call for papers

Today, fashion infiltrates many academic disciplines, from sociology to history, anthropology, semiotics, psychology and cultural studies. Fashion also offers a unique perspective on contemporary society. The Third Conference on the fashion discipline will be a platform to discuss academic research and trends, as well as to challenge the values that fashion perpetuates in society. Other topics to be discussed include patterns of social behaviour which fashion produces questions regarding the concept of beauty both physically and stylistically, as well as the history, politics and economy of fashion.


  • Role of Fashion in Politics,
  • Evolution of Dress and/or Westernisation of Global Fashion,
  • Dress and Shaping of Society,
  • Dress and Construction of Gender,
  • Politics and Aesthetics of Advertising,
  • Fashion and Consumption: Social Inclusion and Exclusion,
  • Resistance Through Rituals Revisited,
  • Fashion in a world after communism,
  • Uniform in a Political Context,
  • Politics of the Body in Contemporary Fashion.

The Conference will be conducted in English. The deadline for submission of abstracts is the end of January, 2003.

For more information, please contact: Ms. Djurdja Bartlett, University of North London, e-mail: djurdjabartlett@blueyonder.co.uk or visit the website http://www.iuc.hr/

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First World IASA Congress

Leiden, The Netherlands, 22-24 May 2003

The International American Studies Association (IASA) announces its first world congress and an invitation to new members, individual and institutional. The topic is: How Far Is America from Here? The congress will be held in Leiden, The Netherlands, 22-24 May 2003.

For further information and membership enrollment procedure, please see IASA's web site at http://iasa.LA.psu.edu/

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Consequences of Mobility: Linguistic and Sociocultural Contact Zones

Roskilde, Denmark, 23-24 May 2003

The conference Consequences of Mobility: Linguistic and Sociocultural Contact Zones has as its aim to investigate the different kinds of linguistic and sociocultural contacts brought about by transnational migrations in the contemporary world.

The theoretical and methodological focus is on various forms of integration between sociolinguistic studies and studies in the sociology of language on the one hand, and the general area of cultural studies on the other - studies of cultural and social identities, of multiculturality, cultural hybridity and identity politics in complex societies.

For further information, consult http://cultura.gencat.es/llengcat/noves/agenda/roskilde.htm

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Central Europe and the Mediterranean

Budapest, Hungary, 28-31 May 2003

The Mediterranean Studies Association's Sixth Annual International Congress, Central Europe and the Mediterranean, will be held on 28-31 May 2003 at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. 2003 will commemorate the 550th anniversary of the fall of Constantinople, marking the end of Byzantium rule and the beginning of Istanbul.

Studies devoted to this anniversary are especially welcome. As is the case each year, papers and studies on all subjects relating to the Mediterranean region and Mediterranean cultures around the world from all periods are encouraged. Over the course of the Congress, over 150 scholarly papers will be delivered to an audience of 250 scholars, academics and experts in a wide range of fields. Held at the Central European University (http://www.ceu.hu), the congress will be conducted in English, however studies in any Mediterranean language are welcome.

The congress is sponsored by the Mediterranean Studies Association, the Central European University, the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, Arizona State University and the University of Kansas. Selected papers will be considered for publication in the Association's journal, Mediterranean Studies.

The Mediterranean Studies Association is an organisation which promotes the study of Mediterranean cultures in all aspects and disciplines. It is particularly concerned with the ideas and ideals of western Mediterranean cultures from Late Antiquity to the Enlightenment and their influence beyond these geographical boundaries.

For information on the congress or the Association, please contact: MSA@umassd.edu or visit http://www.mediterraneanstudies.org/

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The Cultural Studies Association: Founding Conference

Pittsburgh, USA, 5-8 June 2003

The Cultural Studies Association (CSA) will hold its founding conference in Pittsburgh, 5-8 June 2003. The CSA will be a multicultural and multidisciplinary professional organization bringing together scholars, teachers, and writers interested in the study of culture.

For more information, please contact: Sangeeta Ray, Department of English, University of Maryland, 3191, Susquehanna Hall, College Park, MD 20742, USA; e-mail: sr42@umail.umd.edu

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Authenticity and Places of Memory

Problems, Potentialities and Challenges
Stubièke Toplice, Croatia, 4-8 June 2003

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Josip Broz Tito Memorial Museum, the Old Village Museum in Kumrovec, Croatia, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, cordially invites you to participate in a symposium entitled Authenticity and Places of Memory: Problems, Potentialities and Challenges, which will be held at Stubièke Toplice, 4-8 June 2003.

As societies continue to experience the dizzying and often disorienting effects of globalization, they are increasingly turning to an idealized past (invented or real) to define both who they are and what their place is in a rapidly changing world. Places of memory, because of their perceived ability to make the past tangible and more accessible, have emerged as controversial centres where these processes of definition and redefinition take place.

To reflect the growing importance of such topics and to acknowledge the interdisciplinary and international nature of research into places of memory (e.g., museums and memorials), the organizers wish to encourage the participation of specialists from a variety of disciplines, including, but not limited to, museology, anthropology, history, geography, architecture, sociology, tourism studies, and education.

The goal of the symposium is to facilitate dialogue between scholars and museum experts working in different cultural contexts whose research addresses issues surrounding authenticity and places of memory from both applied and theoretical perspectives.

The following and similar topics are invited:

  • Reconstruction and restoration
  • Preservation and conservation
  • Representing and defining authenticity
  • Remembering and forgetting
  • Museum pedagogy
  • The Role of museums in cultural tourism
  • Official versus vernacular memories
  • Experiencing authenticity
  • Interpretation and commemoration

For more information, please contact: The Museums of Croatian Zagorje, The Old Village Museum, 49295 Kumrovec, Croatia; tel.: 385 49 553 107; fax: 385 49 500 477; e-mail: dunja.saric@zg.hinet.hr

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The Third International Congress of Culture and Development

La Habana, Cuba, 9-12 June 2003

The Third International Congress of Culture and Development, organised by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Cuba in cooperation with UNESCO, UNICEF, OEI (Ibero-American States Organisation), SELA (Economic System for Latin America), the Andres Bello Treaty, the Union Latina, and other national and international organisations, will take place from 9 to 12 June 2003 in the Palacio de Convenciones in Havana, Cuba.

The objectives of this congress are as follows:

  • to promote reflection, debate and exchange in relation to some of the fundamental issues of the relationship between arts and culture and development in the face of globalisation and the urgent need to preserve our cultures;
  • to stimulate the exchange of experience, ideas and projects that will strengthen human creativity in the face of current challenges;
  • to promote the search for common ground, common strategies and projects that will fuel cultural development through co-operative action.

The programme will centre around various forums devoted to visual arts, literature, theatre, dance, music and cinema, and will also address issues of cultural heritage, libraries, the teaching of the arts, the role of the above in socio-cultural development, and the way the new technologies are applied within cultural contexts.

The main topics of the congress will be discussed in the following forums:

  • Art biennale as contemporary artistic policy
  • Reading, books and literature - the third millennium
  • Theatre and audience - converging worlds?
  • The music industry, the development of artistic creation, and the protection of musical heritage in the face of market forces
  • Audiovisual media - a future without limits?
  • Participation and socio-cultural development
  • National heritage, historic sites and the intangible heritage
  • The libraries of the developing world
  • Art and cultural education and training, conceptual references, strategies and conflicts
  • Culture in the digital era.

During the congress there will be conferences, master classes and plenary sessions, as well as round tables, panel discussions, workshops and open forum discussions - the latter to include spoken reports, presentations of statistics (posters), and visuals (videos) on different themes relating to the forums.

Deadline for proposals and summaries: 15 March 2003

For further information, please contact: Ms. Mirtha Padrón, Executive Secretary, Centro Nacional de Superación para la Cultura, Calle 15, #754, entre Paseo y 2, Vedado, Cuidad de La Habana, Cuba CP 10400, tel.: (537) 55369/ 552300/ 552299; fax: (537) 552301/ 662283; e-mail: csuper@cubarte.cult.cu

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Intercultural Education

Jyväskylä, Finland, 15-18 June 2003

The UNESCO conference on Intercultural Education will be held in Jyväskylä, Finland, 15-18 June 2003. Organising Committee invites papers and performances that address educational and pedagogical issues in academic and vocational higher education from the perspective of intercultural education. Within this broad framework, the papers may focus on a variety of structures and methods: regional, national or institutional policies, study and training programmes, courses and curricula, teaching-learning processes, classroom strategies and activities, in-service education and faculty/staff development, scientific research.

Teachers, developers or researchers involved in intercultural education or active in any other field and willing to examine and develop their work from the perspective of promoting intercultural understanding are invited to register.

For more information, please contact: Ms Pirjo-Leena Pitkänen, Congress Manager, fax: +358 14 339 8158; e-mail: pirjo-leena.pitkanen@jyvaskylaan.com; http://www.jyu.fi/ktl/unesco2003/

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Transformations and Interventions: Critical Perspectives on the Economy and Culture in Post-Socialist Societies

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18-21 June 2003

This international sociological conference will be held at the American University - Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 18-21 June 2003. The American University - Central Asia and the Civic Education Project - Central Asia and Mongolia invite applications and proposals from sociology and related fields on topics detailed below.

Social change is an outcome of the complexities and contradictions inherent in society. Social upheavals are both intended and unintentional, mediated and initiated by markets, civil society and the state, and can be viewed as spontaneous, planned and/or negotiated. Such transformations affect the cultural lives of individuals and communities. These transformations represent both threats and opportunities, and social actors and institutions adapt to and resist such liberating and oppressive effects. Interestingly, cultural and political goals (such as moral conservatism) can at times remain at odds with the economic goals (such as market freedom). Economic and cultural changes can be morally evaluated in terms of individual liberties, societal needs, cultural diversity and moral ideals. Social actors and institutions aim to intervene and make further changes on the grounds of civil rights, morality and ethics, economic profit, cultural heritage, and social development.

In bringing together critical perspectives on transformations and interventions in post-socialist societies, the conference will provide an opportunity to discuss the mechanisms and structures of these changes, and the capabilities of actors and institutions to bring about effective actions to address social inequalities and inequities. The conference will not collapse into economic determinism, social fatalism, political cynicism and moral relativism, but rather will explore feasible strategies for the construction of alternative frameworks of economy and culture to those which are usually offered and represented by neo-liberals and post-modernists.

This conference will be a major event, bringing together participants from many countries and leading to a publication of the best papers. It will draw upon the aims and build upon the success of the Critical Sociology Conference at Tbilisi State University, in June 2002. The conference will be bi-lingual, English and Russian.

Please send your application to either Balihar Sanghera or Tanya Yarkova, e-mail: bishkekconference@yahoo.co.uk;
American University - Central Asia: http://www.auk.kg
Civic Education Project: http://www.cep.org.hu

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FACE ASIA: International Society of Performing Arts

Annual Congress
Singapore, 18-23 June 2003

The theme of the Annual Congress of the International Society of Performing Arts offers new perspectives on the changing faces of Asian Arts today. FACE ASIA will discuss the challenges faced by traditional Asian art forms as they evolve in tandem with modernisation and greater people connectivity. The Congress is timed to coincide with the Singapore Arts Festival (29 May – 22 June 2003) and the Asian Arts Mart 2003 (14–16 June 2003).

For more information please contact: info@ispa.org or visit ISPA’s web site at http://www.ispa.org.

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Northampton, Massachusetts, USA, 19-20 June 2003

The Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues Annual Congress (SERCIAC) will be held in Northampton (Massachusetts, USA), 19-20 June 2003. The local organiser of the congress is Lisa Takeyama (Amherst College). The SERCI invited lecture will be given by Professor Pamela Samuelson (University of California at Berkeley).

Submissions are welcome on any relevant topic, including but not limited to both theoretical and empirical studies on:

  • the economic theory of copyright
  • efficient copyright management
  • the economics of copyright law and alternatives
  • the causes and effects of copyright infringement (piracy)
  • the effects of digitalisation on efficient information management
  • collective management of copyright
  • royalty contract theory
  • copyright in an international context
  • the economics of cultural goods and cultural policy

Further details on SERCI and the annual congress can be obtained from the website: http://www.serci.org

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International Congress on Production, Presentation and Preservation of Media Arts

Dortmund, Germany, 19-22 June 2003

With the support of the European Community, the medien_kunst_netz dortmund has launched a one-year research project dealing with questions of the production, presentation and preservation of media art. Co-operation partners include the Netherlands Media Art Institute, Montevideo/TBA in Amsterdam, the Centre for Culture and Communication, C3, in Budapest, and Hans Dieter Huber from the State Academy of Visual Arts, Stuttgart.

The congress entitled '404 Object Not Found: What remains of media art?', will take place in Dortmund, 19-22 June 2003, and will be an opportunity to present the results of the research project. Additionally, many international experts are invited to present their projects, experience and strategies in the field of production, presentation and conservation of media art. The discussion will pay particular attention to questions concerning installative works of media art, as well as to software and net-based art. On the basis of real-life examples, the congress will discuss technology-related problems and methodologies of conservation, as well as methods of documenting and (digitally) archiving media art. Another focus will be on media art in terms of art theory.

For more information, please contact: medien_kunst_netz dortmund, hartware, Museum am Ostwall, Kulturbüro, c/o hartware medien kunst verein, Guentherstr. 65, 44143 Dortmund, Germany; tel./fax: 0231 88 20 240; e-mail: post@hartware-projekte.de; http://www.hartware-projekte.de

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Image Making and Image Makers in Relation to Civil Society in Asia

Asia Dialogues with the World 2
Hong Kong, 19-23 June 2003

Under the title Image Making and Image Makers in Relation to Civil Society in Asia, the Asia Dialogues with the World 2 aim to strengthen civil society by promoting inter-cultural understanding in Asia and in non-Asian regions. This will facilitate the sharing of existing knowledge and experience on image making power structures/institutions (government, corporations and civil society organizations) vis-a-vis individual image makers (independent artists/media) in the realm of image delivery and dissemination institutions/means such as arts, education, media and advertising.

The seminar will be held 19-23 June 2003 at the University of Hong Kong. It will be an opportunity for an applied and 'creative' investigation into the deeper structure of image making of Asia within an Asian context, taking into account that creation, perception and memory images are closely related to social status, class and gender, as well as to political, religious, cultural and ethnic background.

The seminar will revolve around a matrix on image creation by government, corporations, civil society and independent artists/media workers in the areas of arts, education, media and advertising/marketing. It will explore the following topics: Review of Present Situation and Sources of Images in Asia, Critique of the Present Situation/Images Produced from Different Sources, Alternatives to the Present Situation/Other Sources for Creating or Producing New Images, and the Way Forward for Programming and Advocacy Strategies on Image Making in Asia Towards Transnational Civil Society.

There will be case presentations by front line image making practitioners on their working experiences in combating governments, corporations and civil society's 'image' policies and strategies versus individual image makers (independent artists/media) in the realm of image delivery and dissemination institutions/means such as arts, education, media and advertisements. Also, there will be workshops to analyze audio-visual materials in airlines, on food products, social campaign and tourism campaign, MTV and art work through video, digital, photos, CD-ROMs and net publishing. The participants will discuss ways forward to developing 'image' strategies for individual independent artists negotiating the 'image' policies and strategies of governments, corporations and civil society.

The participants will include artistic directors, frontline artists and scholars/researchers involved in image studies from Asia, Europe, Africa, Latin America, North America, and other regions.

The organizers of the seminar are the Conference of Asian Foundations and Organizations (CAFO) represented by Danny Yung as Chair and the Danish Centre for Culture and Development (DCCD) represented by Olaf Gerlach Hansen as Co-chair.

For more information, please contact: Mr Steven Pang, Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture, tel: (852) 2766 3703; fax: (852) 2766 0189; e-mail: steven@zuni.org.hk

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AIMAC 7th Annual Conference

Milan, Italy, 29 June - 2 July 2003

The International Association of Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) is an international network of researchers in arts and cultural management, which will hold its Seventh International Conference, Arts and Cultural Management on 29 June - 2 July 2003, at Bocconi University, Milano, Italy.

The conference will address various sectors of the arts and cultural industries including; performing arts and festivals; heritage; museums and visual arts; film production and distribution; book publishing; recording; broadcasting, audiovisual media and multimedia.

Papers on management approaches are invited in the areas of marketing, strategic planning, production, organisational behaviour, accounting and finance, and information systems. Contributions from social scientists with a focus on management issues are also welcome.

Further information is available at http://www.hec.ca/artsmanagement/aimac/en/next/brief.html

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Leisure, Inclusion and Disability

Bilbao, Spain, July 2003

The Chair ONCE - Leisure and Disability of the Institute for Leisure Studies, University of Deusto, in collaboration with ONCE - Organización Nacional de Ciegos Espanoles (Spanish National Organisation of Blind People) and the ONCE Foundation will host an international congress entitled Leisure, Inclusion and Disability (Ocio, Inclusión y Discapacidad) which will take place in Bilbao, Spain, in July 2003.

The congress has the following aims:

  • to serve as a forum for reflection about issues of leisure for disabled people within the framework of the European Year of Disability;
  • to enhance research and reflection on the ways of promoting equality of opportunities for persons with disability in leisure;
  • to promote the exchange of good practices in leisure (culture, sports, tourism and recreation) to include persons with disability on local, national and international levels;
  • to disseminate the results of the work of the ONCE Chair.

The congress will bring together many involved agents at international, national and local levels, particularly researchers, governmental, private and NGO sectors, as well as disabled persons and their families. The congress will include different types of activities, such as presentations, thematic seminars, workshops, virtual forum, and exhibition of resources and materials. By way of a conclusion, the congress will produce a Declaration on Inclusive Leisure (Declaration sobre Ocio Inclusivo).

For more information, please contact: La Cátedra ONCE - Ocio y Discapacidad, Instituto de Estudios de Ocio, tel.: +34 (9)4 446 55 84; fax: +34 (9)4 446 79 09; e-mail: ocio@ocio.deusto.es; http://www.ocio.deusto.es/once/

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ISUF International Conference: The Planned City?

Castello Svevo - Trani (Bari), Italy, 3-6 July 2003

The International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF) was inaugurated in 1994. The conference on The Planned City, to be held at Castello Svevo, 3-6 July 2003, is intended to question a possible return to the unified city while addressing the full complexity of the urban phenomena. The concept of the planned city opposes plans and projects (as unified rules) to gradual city building, where life introduces infinite exceptions, variations, and transformations to the unavoidable rigidity contained in plans. The structure of the conference includes the following thematic sections:

  • The Planned City and Its Territory in History
    • The Ancient city
    • The Medieval city: Founded cities of the Renaissance
    • The City of the Enlightenment
    • Modern Cities in Theory and in Practice
  • The Cultural Geography of the Planned City
    • Cities of North America
    • Colonial Cities of South America
    • Cities of Northern Europe
    • The Planned City of the Mediterranean
    • Cities of Islam
  • The Theory of the New City
    • The Ideal City in Ancient Philosophies
    • The City of God
    • The Contemporary City in Architecture and in Planning
    • The Contemporary Metropolis: Globalization and Survival
    • The Future City: Fragmentation and New Organicity

For more information, please contact: Attilio Petruccioli, e-mail: Petruccioli@yahoo.com

For further information about the history, constitution, aims and activities of ISUF, please consult the conference website at: http://odin.let.rug.nl/isuf/index.html

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Leisure and Visual Culture

Annual Conference of the Leisure Studies Association
London, UK, 8-10 July 2003

The Annual Conference of the Leisure Studies Association, Leisure and Visual Culture, will be held on the 8-10 July 2003, Roehampton University of Surrey, London, United Kingdom.

For more information, please visit: http://www.leisure-studies-association.info/LSAWEB/Index.html

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Images of Social Life: Exploring the New Foundations of Visual Studies

Southampton,UK, 8-10 July 2003

Images of Social Life: Exploring the New Foundations of Visual Studies is the theme of the International Visual Sociology Association Conference, to be held at the University of Southampton, 8-10 July 2003. An international, cross-disciplinary conference, Images of Social Life invites contributions to a matrix of visual strategies in film, video, still photography and multi media used to formulate, conduct and disseminate social research. Contributions dealing visually with all aspects of social life - intimate scenes of personal life, subjectivity formation, domestic organisation, urban life, work, community, biography, place, migration and global processes - particularly those linking different degrees of magnification, scope, and scale are strongly encouraged. Themes that cross-cut the usual tensions between the micro and the macro, individual lives and bigger social processes, the global and the local, the general and the particular, the theoretical and the empirical, and that connect small landscapes with bigger processes are particularly welcome. The conference is intended for those who work with images in understanding social life - whether making their own images or using those of other people, in film, video, still photography and multi-media. It is also meant for those who would like to develop their visual literacy as researchers and teachers and learn basic skills in the photography and video workshops.

For more information, please contact: Caroline Knowles at e-mail: cknowles@soton.ac.uk

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Culture and the Unconscious

London, UK, 11-12 July 2003

Culture and the Unconscious: Psychoanalysts, Artists and Academics in Dialogue, will be held at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, United Kingdom, 11-12 July 2003, and organised by the British Psychoanalytical Society, the Tavistock Clinic and the University of East London.

Proposals are invited on psychoanalysts or psychoanalytic psychotherapists, academics, critics or journalists, or creative artists. Contributions should focus on a particular genre (for example film or poetry), a particular artist or writer, or a particular psychoanalytic perspective. Because the purpose of the conference is to facilitate dialogue between these different spheres of work, the organisers would be particularly pleased to receive proposals for collaborative or joint sessions between psychoanalysts, academics and artists.

Abstracts should be sent to: m.j.rustin@uel.ac.uk

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The Poetics of Exile

Auckland, New Zealand, 17-19 July 2003

The international conference The Poetics of Exile will be held at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, 17-19 July 2003. The organisers of the conference intend to bring poets, critics and scholars in fields as diverse as classical literature, indigenous and postcolonial writing, trauma studies and the contemporary avantgarde together, to present and discuss creative responses to the notion of exile.

From ancient Rome and China to Europe during the Enlightenment to contemporary Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific, some of the most significant literary works have related to the experience of exile. While the nature and circumstances of exile have varied from one case to another, the sense of 'loss' or 'something left behind' is common to all. At a time when issues regarding the dispossessed, migration and the need to seek asylum are continually contested, it seems particularly appropriate to explore the intimate connection between exile and the creative process in different periods and within political and cultural contexts.

Poets from several countries will read their work during the conference.

For more information, please contact: Mike Hanne, e-mail: m.hanne@auckland.ac.nz; http://www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/SELL/complit

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Sonic Synergies, Creative Cultures

Adelaide, Australia, 17-20 July 2003

The University of South Australia in conjunction with the Australia-New Zealand Branch of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music announces its international conference, Sonic Synergies, Creative Cultures to be held 17-20 July 2003.

Aimed at both academics and practitioners, this conference will focus on identities, technologies and communities. The conference is to be held in Adelaide at the University of South Australia, City East Campus. The conference is an interdisciplinary gathering for researchers, scholars, practitioners and students interested in identity, music, technology, community and the relationship among them.

For more information, please visit: http://www.com.unisa.edu.au/sonic

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Re-thinking the Americas at the Threshold of the 21st Century

51st International Congress of Americanists
Santiago, 14-18 July 2003

The University of Chile has been selected as the organizing entity of the 51st International Congress of Americanists entitled Re-thinking the Americas at the Threshold of the 21st Century and to be held in Santiago, Chile, 14-18 July 2003. The mission of the participants, who will come from all the universities in the country, as well as thousands of participants from abroad, is to generate appropriate academic spaces of discussion that will enrich and update our knowledge concerning the Americas.

Participants are invited to propose themes for the symposia. An Academic Commission representing different disciplines will evaluate and select the received proposals. Some sixty symposia are expected to be selected. The deadline to propose/inscribe a symposium is 31 December 2001.

Proposals for papers should go directly to the coordinators of the symposia for their approval and inclusion in the programme of the symposium and of the Congress.

To register or to obtain more information, please contact: 51 ICA, University of Chile, Diagonal Paraguay 265 of. 1405, Santiago, Chile; tel.: +56 2 678 2061; fax: +56 2 678 2121; e-mail: ica51@uchile.cl

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Tourism and Photography: Still Visions - Changing Lives

Sheffield, United Kingdom, 20-23 July 2003

The Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change and the School of Cultural Studies at Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom, organize an international conference on Tourism and Photography: Still Visions - Changing Lives, to be held in Sheffield, 20-23 July 2003.

Why do tourists take photos of certain things and not of others? Why do tourists take photos at all? How do photos build places, how do they change places and shape lives? How do locals negotiate photographic images of themselves?

The 'taking' of photographs is one of the most characteristic and symbolic moments in tourism.

Social and human scientists of various disciplines (art history, sociology, anthropology, geography, etc.) have been investigating different dimensions of photography for many years, though relatively little attention has been given to the particular relationships it shares with tourism/tourists. Hence, the aim of this international conference is to explore these relationships from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.

Themes of interest to the conference include:

  • Through the Lens: Camera - Tourist Relationships
  • Photographic Pioneers in the Evolution of Tourist Destinations
  • Inventing and Re-inventing Landscapes for Tourism
  • Framing Beauty for Visitors
  • Commercial Photography and the Tourist Brochure
  • Photographs as Triggers for Tourist Memory
  • Representing Places, Peoples and Pasts
  • Negotiating Cultural Identity
  • Resisting the Captured Image.

For more information, please contact: Dr. David Picard, Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change and School of Cultural Studies, Sheffield Hallam University, City Campus - Howard Street, Sheffield S1 1WB, UK; e-mail: d.picard@shu.ac.uk

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Workshop on Aesthetics, Art and Management

Towards New Fields of Flow
Gattières, France, 20-30 July 2003

The second EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies Management) research workshop on aesthetics, art and management will be hosted by Pierre Guillet de Monthoux, Stockholm University, and Antonio Strati, University of Trento. The dates are 20-30 July 2003.

The workshop will assess and analyze the scope and relevance of concerns for future economic and management research and education. The contributions can take the form of presentation of a written paper or preparation and presentation of a performance at the workshop.

The workshop will seek answers to questions like the following: What are the effects of institutionalizing trends in 'design' and 'branding' into political concepts such as 'creative industries' or 'experience economies'? What are the impacts of aesthetics and art on management practice and organizational life? How can art and aesthetics contribute to creativity and play a role in economic life? Will these developments make cultural, economic and educational policies converge? Will flows between the economy and art turn management into a sort of corporate curating?

The workshop will be held in Gattières near Nice, France.

For more details, please visit: http://www.eiasm.org

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12th International Salzburg Summer Academy for Arts Management (ISAC)

ICCM Kolleg St. Josef, Salzburg, Austria, 28 July - 9 August 2003

In Cooperation With: Fitzcarraldo Foundation, Turin, Italy; Columbia College, Chicago, USA; Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA

The two week cultural management course is addressed to young leaders and project managers from all over the world working in the arts, culture or media fields on national and international levels. The ISAC prepares young project leaders for new tasks and trends in project management, marketing, financial management, fundraising and networking.

An international experts team consisting of François Colbert (HEC Montreal), J.Dennis Rich (Columbia College), Dan J. Martin (Carnegie Mellon University), Ugo Bacchella (Fitzcarraldo Foundation), Herwig Pöschl (ICCM) and Raj Isar (former Director Division Cultural Policies, UNESCO) will assist in developing participants’ projects.

Meetings with artists and cultural organisers and exchange with other project leaders will expand the participants’ international network. In the past 12 years over 200 young professionals from different countries have participated in the Summer Academy, fostering cultural exchange and creating a bridge between arts managers of different political, economic and cultural backgrounds.

Participation Requirements

People wishing to participate in the 2003 Summer Academy must enter into an open competition by submitting a detailed concept of a project related to the fields of festivals/cultural centres, film/video/new media, music/music theatre theatre/opera/dance, graphic arts, or arts education. Submitted projects will be evaluated by an international jury of specialists, and maximum of 40 professionals will be selected for an active participation in the course.

Course Language: English

Participation Fee: EURO 2.000. This amount includes course fee, accommodation (single rooms) and catering for the whole duration of the course, tickets for three performances at the Salzburg Festival, opening grill party, and Salzburg bus ticket for two weeks.

Registration: online at http://www.iccm.at

Application Deadline: 15 June 2003

Contact: Ms. Marlies Pucher, ICCM, International Centre for Culture and Management, Gyllenstormstrasse 8, 5020 Salzburg, Austria; tel.: 0043 662 45 98 41 10; fax: 0043 662 45 98 38; e-mail: office@iccm.at; http://www.iccm.at

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InSEA on SEA - Navigating New Waters

The Sixth European Regional Congress
Stockholm, Helsinki and Tallinn, 2-8 August 2003

InSEA on SEA is an international congress for teachers, museum educators, curators and others involved in art education. It will be held in Stockholm, Helsinki and Tallinn, 2-8 August 2003. The aim is to focus on and examine traditional and contemporary approaches to art education and their role in the development of knowledge in society. The aim is also to introduce to an international audience Finnish, Swedish and Estonian art education, as well as to provide an opportunity to experience the sea, the archipelago, and the culture of the three countries.

Art teachers are innovators in the art classroom, in the schools and museums, in local communities and society at large. InSEA on SEA is a forum for presenting ideas and projects on how to initiate change - how to make waves.

For more information, please contact: liisa.piironen@welho.com (general secretary) or annika.mobacker@konstfack.se (practical questions)

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Media Mediterranea 5

Pula, Croatia, 11-24 August 2003

Metamedia, a non-profit organisation whose main goal is developing audio and visual art and non formal education, is looking for artists, trainers and performers in the fields of modern music, video art, film, dance, new medias and theatre, coming from the Mediterranean countries, who would like to participate in the Media Mediterranea 5 festival of expressive culture.

The festival will take place in Pula, Croatia, 11-24 August 2003.

For more information, please contact: Marino Jurcan, coordinator of MM5, Koparska 31, 52100 Pula, Croatia, e-mail: marinodj@hotmail.com

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Third Pan-African Conference on Reading for All

Kampala, Uganda, 18-22 August 2003

Literacy Without Borders will take place in Kampala, Uganda, 18-22 August 2003.

The topics for the conference are as follows:

  • Crossing linguistic barriers
  • Cultural differences in reading
  • Reading and social change

For further information, please contact: Third Pan-African Conference on Reading for All, PO Box 25412, Kampala, Uganda, tel./fax: + 256 41 235 264; e-mail: nabutu@infocom.co.ug

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The Cultures of Post-1989 Central and East Europe

Targu-Mures, Romania, 21-24 August 2003

The Cultures of Post-1989 Central and East Europe is an international conference, which will take place in Targu-Mures, Romania, 21-24 August 2003. The conference will be hosted by the Gheorghe Sincai Research Institute of the Social Sciences and the Humanities of the Romanian Academy of Sciences (Targu-Mures) and Petru Maior University (Targu-Mures). Comparative papers are preferred, suggested topics include, culture and literature, the arts, film, music, etc.; comparative media studies (aspects of television, radio, film, journalism, etc.); the politics of culture and cultural policy; the history of post-1989 Central and East Europe; cultural traditions and European integration; intersections of society and socialisation; globalisation, economics and culture; the plight of minorities and the notion of marginalisation. Further topics and proposals in this vein are also welcome.

The deadline for proposals is 31 March 2003.

Proposals should be sent to: Carmen Andras at prognoze@cjmures.orizont.net or carmen_andras@yahoo.com, and Steven Totosy at totosy@medienkomm.uni-halle.de or clcweb@purdue.edu

The theme of the conference is contemporary Central and East European culture after 1989-90. Central and East Europe is defined here as a geographical region stretching from Austria and the former East Germany (incl. Mitteldeutschland) to Romania and Bulgaria, the Baltic countries, Serbia and the Ukraine, etc., including the Habsburg lands and German influence and their spheres of influences at various periods including the present.

Since the events of 1989-90 and the demise of the Soviet empire, the cultures of Central and East Europe have engaged in a restructuring of their political, economic, social and cultural environments and societies. While this reshaping is still on-going, there is a new Central and East Europe in place now, politically, socially, economically and culturally.

The objectives of the conference include exploring aspects of the social and cultural situation of the new Central and East Europe by scholars working in the region. The conference will focus on the work of scholars affiliated with institutions in Central and East Europe (further conferences are planned to incorporate perspectives from the 'inside' as well as from the 'outside').

For more information, please visit http://clcwebjournal.lib.purdue.edu/library/clcwebcallsforpapers.html

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Becoming Teachers in a Learning Organization -
Meeting the Challenges of the Learning Society

28th ATEE Annual Conference
Msida, Malta, 24-27 August 2003

The 28th Annual Conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe, to be held in Msida, Malta on 24-27 August 2003, will debate the implications of the coming about of the Learning Society for teacher education institutions under the title Becoming Teachers in a Learning Organization - Meeting the Challenges of the Learning Society.

The Faculty of Education and the University of Malta have launched a call for papers to be presented in concurrent sessions. Outlines of papers (300 words maximum) should be forwarded to Professor Mark Borg, Chairperson of the Scientific Committee by 1 April 2003. The proposals will be evaluated by the committee, whose decision will be communicated to authors by 30 May 2003.

The language of the conference will be English, with simultaneous translation to French and German during the plenary sessions.

Conference secretariat: Faculty of Education, University of Malta, Msida MSD 06, Malta; tel.: (+356)21324639; fax: (+356)21324639 or (+356)21317938; http://www.educ.um.edu.mt/atee/english.html

For further information, please contact: Ms Lucienne Bugeja, Foundation for International Studies, University of Malta, Sr. Paul Street, Valletta VLT 07, Malta; fax: +(356)21230551; e-mail: luciennebugeja@yahoo.com.

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International Production Management for Theatre and Special Events

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24-27 August 2003

The success of any performing arts programme or activity can only be ensured by the quality of its production management. With the growing tendency towards internationalisation and the necessity for widening the market, traditional production management skills need to be broadened to include skills for working outside national borders. The task of production becomes more complicated as contracts, logistical arrangements, communication, organisational structuring, and additional areas change to accommodate the task of accepting foreign partners, artists and performance groups. Learning about worldwide activities can also help a management team make decisions on economic and artistic options. This course will discuss all of these topics.

Course leader: Steve Austen, Permanent Fellow, Felix Meritis. Speakers will include Hugo de Greef, Gerrit Reus, Michiel Buchel, and Marc van Warmendam.

The deadline for application is 27 July.

For a complete programme and further information, please contact Alana Henry or the Office Manager at the Amsterdam Maastricht Summer University, tel.: +31 20 620 0225, e-mail: office@amsu.edu

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Innovative Strategies in International Cultural Cooperation

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28-31 August 2003

This course is designed for cultural operators, civil servants, artists, and foundation staff members. It will examine models, preconditions and parameters for developing productive forms of international cooperation in a bilateral and multilateral frame, taking into account the roles of public authorities, private foundations, and commercial sponsors. The course will survey common trends in international cooperation as well as the subjects of policy, funding, entrepreneurship, and networking, taking advantage of the experience of professionals in the field. Participants will leave with insights that can be applied directly to their own situations.

Course leaders: Steve Austen, Permanent Fellow, Felix Meritis, and Dragan Klaic, President, European Forum for the Arts and Heritage.

The deadline for application is 4 August. You are advised to apply earlier if you intend to apply for a scholarship.

For a complete programme and further information, please contact Alana Henry or the Office Manager at the Amsterdam Maastricht Summer University, tel.: +31 20 620 0225, e-mail: office@amsu.edu

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Educating for a Sustainable Future

Shaping the Practical Role of Higher Education for Sustainable Development
Prague, Czech Republic, 10-11 September 2003

The International Association of Universities (IAU) and the Charles University in Prague will hold an international conference on the theme of Educating for a Sustainable Future on 10-11 September 2003 in Prague, the Czech Republic, aiming to shape the practical role of higher education in sustainable development by discussing and sharing practical experience in introducing sustainability issues into higher education. Participants are invited to propose innovative strategies to change curricula, to encourage students to view the world through a lens of concern for sustainability and to ensure that research and its results serve the needs of economic and social development that is sustainable.

All Working Groups will be invited to debate and develop a position on the following four themes of the Conference:

  • How can universities contribute to achieving the Millennium Development Goals?
  • Global Higher Education for Sustainability Partnership (GHESP) as a contribution to the WSSD Plan of Implementation
  • Contributing to education for a sustainable future through the curriculum, by innovative methods of education and other means, and
  • What is the role for higher education institutions in the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development?

For more information, please contact: Iva Hönigová, Charles University Environmental Center, U Krize 8, 158 00 Prague 5, Czech Republic; tel.: +420-251 080 355, +420-251 080 202; fax: +420-2516 20 441; e-mail: ivana.honigova@czp.cuni.cz, czp@czp.cuni.cz; http://www.czp.cuni.cz or
Yvette Saunders, International Association of Universities, UNESCO House, 1, rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France; tel.: +33-1 45 68 48 00; fax: +33-1 47 34 76 05; e-mail: iau@unesco.org; http://www.unesco.org/iau/conference/prague/index.html

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Scenes, Subcultures and Tribes: Youth Cultures in the 21st Century

University College Northampton, 11-13 September 2003

This conference will take place at University College Northampton, 11-13 September 2003. The aim will be to address the cultural practices, identities and formations of young people at the beginning of the twenty-first century in the light of new theoretical and empirical revelations about youth culture. The intention is to cover a broad range of issues - from fresh approaches to notions such as 'resistance' and 'subculture' to less well-trodden areas such as the everyday practical life of youth.

For more information, please contact: Dr Mark Cieslik, School of Social Sciences and Law, University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, TS1 3BA, UK; e-mail: M.Cieslik@tees.ac.uk

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Open Minds

Conference for Young Scientists
Lotz, Poland, 13-15 September 2003

Young academics from the CASE Foundation (Center for Social and Economic Research), University of Lodz, University of Warsaw and Warsaw School of Economics have come together to organise a conference intended to mark the starting point of a long-lasting project. The conference will be held at Lodz, 13-15 September 2003. The aim of the Open Minds project is to bring various scientific and academic circles closer together.

The project will concentrate on promoting young academics working in the fields related to social sciences. The idea is to create a network of seminars, conferences and meetings (both real life as well as virtual) which will offer an interdisciplinary and open platform for exchanging information and multi-dimensional co-operation.

The September conference will be organized around the following topics:

  • Regional policy in integrated Europe in globalisation perspectives
  • Cultural diversity - a curse or a blessing of the integration process?
  • Labour markets under the European Integration
  • Competition vs. industrial policy in the enlarged Europe.

For more information, please contact: Jarek Neneman, Secretary of the Scientific Committee, Managing Director of the Conference, tel.: (0048-42) 635 5165; fax: (0048-42) 635 5308; e-mail: neneman@krysia.uni.lodz.pl; or visit the conference website at: http://www.openminds.edu.pl

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Eighth International Metropolis Conference

Vienna, Austria, 15-19 September 2003

'Gaining from migration'

A Global Perspective on Opportunities for Economic and Social Prosperity

For more information, please visit: http://www.international.metropolis.net/events/vienna/

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Artists at Work: New Technology in Textile and Fiber Art

Prato, Italy, 18 September - 30 November 2003

The Textile Museum of Prato, Italy, in collaboration with a Culturelink member, the European Textile Network (ETN), will stage a juried exhibition of contemporary textile art from 18 September through 30 November 2003. The exhibition will take place in the Museum's spacious new galleries which open in March 2003. The project calls for entries of textile art works that address, with the largest interpretative margins, the central theme of the rapport between textile, new technology, and innovation.

During the past 20 years, industrial textile production has been transformed by the introduction of computer-aided design. More recent developments include digital and heat transfer printing, lamination, fiber optics, vacuum formed fabrics, and a plethora of specially engineered fibers and 'smart' fabrics that can protect us not only from wind and rain, but also from bacteria, ultraviolet light or bullets. How do these new possibilities inspire and inform the work of artists who work in fiber? The exhibition proposes to showcase those works which look to the future, to examine how artists are confronting these new techniques and how they integrate, or contrast with, the textile tradition.

The selection, by an international jury, is open to all artists resident in Europe and does not impose limits on the physical characteristics of the works. The exhibition will coincide with the ETN conference, which will also take place in Prato.

For further information and entry forms, contact: Il Museo del Tessuto Piazza Comune 9, 59100 Prato, Italy, tel.: +39 0574-611503; fax: +39 0574 444585; e-mail: museodeltessuto@po-net.prato.it

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Politics and Identity – Does Cultural Co-operation Change Anything?

London, UK, 24 September 2003

International cultural exchange and co-operation is no longer the exclusive province of governments or national cultural institutes. Artists, networks, cities and regions are among those that now also occupy this territory. However, while the work of artists and cultural organisations may be enriched by cultural contact with creative people and audiences from other countries, does international cultural co-operation have any impact on public perceptions, national stereotyping and on issues of identity?

The fifth in a series of international seminars addressing issues related to Culture in an Enlarged Europe will explore the question Politics and Identity – Does Cultural Co-operation Change Anything?

The panel of speakers will include Ulrich Sacker, Director of the Goethe Institut in London, and Ruth Mackenzie OBE, Artistic Director of Chichester Festival Theatre, former Executive Director of the Nottingham Playhouse and former adviser to the Secretary for Culture, Media and Sport. In the chair will be Robert Palmer, former Director General of Glasgow 1990 and Brussels 2000 European Cities of Culture, and independent culture advisor.

A question and answer session will follow the talks giving the audience an opportunity to partake in the debate.

Date and time: 24 September 2003, 5:30pm

Venue: Henry Price Room, Chatham House, 10 St James's Square, London

Due to the popularity of this topic it is highly advisable to book tickets in advance.

For more information, please contact: Claire Forrest at ECF-UK, c/o International Intelligence on Culture, 4 Baden Place, Crosby Row, London SE1 1YW, UK; tel.: 0207 403 0777; fax: 0207 403 2009; e-mail: ecf@intelculture.org

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Sixth European Sociological Association Conference

Murcia, Spain, 25-28 September 2003

Organiser: ESA Research Network 'Biographical Perspectives on European Societies'

Topics: Identity Forms in Late Modernity - Borderlines, Bridges and Transitions

More detailed information can be obtained directly from the organiser: Robert Miller, School of Sociology and Social Policy, The Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, tel.: +44 28 902 732 75; fax: +44 28 902 739 43; e-mail: r.miller@qub.ac.uk; http://biograf.institut.cz/nastenka/texty/ESA2.html

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Arts and Humanities in the Digital Space

Towards Web based Culture and Science
Salzburg, Austria, 6-7 October 2003

Salzburg Research invites to an international symposium, entitled Arts and Humanities in the Digital Space: Towards Web based Culture and Science. At the symposium to be held on 6 and 7 October 2003 in Salzburg, Austria, a panel of international experts (scientists, multimedia-entrepreneurs and political decision makers) will address the relationship between digital technology and cultural and scientific heritage in the wake of the www-hype.

A central goal of the symposium is to initiate new and strengthen existing co-operations and networks of interested stakeholders in the field of digital culture and science. Topics will include:

  • Latest results of European monitoring studies on digital technologies relevant for the cultural and scientific heritage sector (EU DigiCULT-Study, Electronic Publishing 2010),
  • opportunities and threats when unlocking the value of arts, culture and science through digital technologies, and
  • innovative strategies for successfully implementing multimedia concepts in arts and culture for scientific and educational organisations.

For the symposium programme and online registration, please see http://eculture.salzburgresearch.at.

Contact: Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H, Jakob-Haringer-Str. 5/III, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria; tel.: +43(0)6622288252, fax: +43(0)6222288222; e-mail: gabriele.krisch@salzburgresearch.at; http://www.salzburgresearch.at/

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29th Annual Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference

Columbus, Ohio, USA, 9-11 October 2003

Sponsored by the Arts Policy and Administration Program in the Art Education Department at the Ohio State University, the 29th annual Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference will be held in Columbus, Ohio on 9-11 October 2003. STP&A is an informal organization of scholars and practitioners that have an interest in the arts and culture.

The group has been meeting for nearly thirty years, as someone volunteers each year to host the meeting which is self-supported by conference registration and meal fees. There are no membership requirements. The group is inter-disciplinary including sociologists and political scientists, along with economists, arts administrators, art education scholars, art historians, historians, etc.

Graduate students are particularly welcome. Topics can cover any art form - from classical music and museums to folk art and graffiti. It generally has papers on programs, practice, management, policy and technology subjects. Many types of analytical methods are represented.

Late paper proposals still have a possibility of acceptance. Interested parties should send a paragraph abstract to sharamitaro.1@osu.edu.

Information on the conference can be accessed at http://www.arts.ohio-state.edu/ArtEducation/APA/stpa/home.htm.

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Fourth Annual Conference of the International Network for Cultural Diversity

Advancing Cultural Diversity Globally: The Role of Civil Society Movements
Opatija, Croatia, 13-15 October 2003

The fourth annual INCD conference will be held from 13-15 October 2003 in Opatija, Croatia, and will be hosted by the CULTURELINK Network.

The Conference will bring together INCD members, experts, government representatives, national coalitions, and others, to examine the state of the cultural diversity debate, focusing on the relationship between the emerging international networks and the continuing role of civil society.

More information can be found at the INCD website: http://www.incd.net/events/2003conference.html

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The Privatisation of American Culture

Hartford, Connecticut, USA, 16-19 October 2003

The Privatisation of American Culture, a panel of the International American Studies Association Annual Meeting, will be held in Hartford, Connecticut, 16-19 October 2003.

Over the past several years, scholars in the social sciences have noted the pervasiveness of privatisation in American society. Economists have noted private consumption patterns. Sociologists have charted the privatisation of public space and the further erosion of public spheres. Political scientists have been concerned with the privatisation of government. In environmental studies, scholars have battled the privatisation of natural resources.

This panel seeks to explore what, if anything, American Studies can contribute to these important conversations. In particular, the panel will examine how these and other related trends influence the decline of the public sphere in the United States - how does privatisation influence a sense of belonging in American culture? What are some of the invisible, but damaging effects of privatisation? What can be done to combat privatisation and consumerist ideology that accompanies it?

For more information, please contact: Ed Martini at emartini@umd.edu

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Balancing Museum Technology and Transformation

Las Vegas, USA, 5-8 November 2003

The Museum Computer Network (MCN) will hold its conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 5-8 November 2003.

The conference theme, Balancing Museum Technology and Transformation, will focus on ways in which technology influences the way we work, the museum programming we produce, and even the way we think about museums and cultural heritage.

The major areas of emphasis include the following:

  • Discovering and Managing Knowledge
  • Managing Technological Change
  • Negotiating Change and Making Good Gambles
  • Collecting Demographic Information
  • World Wide Web
  • Intellectual Property

For more information, please contact: MCN Conference 2003, 232-329 March Road, PO Box 11, Ottawa, Ontario K2K 2E1 Canada, fax: 613-599-7027; e-mail: mcnheadquarters@mcn.edu; http://www.mcn.edu/MCN2003/

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The Unifying Aspects of Cultures

Vienna, Austria, 6-10 November 2003

The Research Institute for Austrian and International Literature and Cultural Studies (INST) is preparing a conference on The Unifying Aspects of Cultures, to be held in Vienna, 6-10 November 2003. The papers will be grouped in ten sections: Methods/Views; Culture/Civilization; Cultural Processes; Transnationalism; Literatures/Aesthetics; Languages/Communication; Translation; Pedagogy/Education; Culture and Economy; Virtual Space.

All contributions will be published in TRANS, nos. 13 to 15. The project entitled The Unifying Aspect of Cultures will be supplemented by the publication of a book and a CD bearing the same title.

Most of the participants and contributors have already registered, but there is still time to join this interesting event based on the principles of cultural diversity.

To participate or to learn more, please contact: Dr. Herbert Arlt, Coordinator, INST, PO Box 74, A-1112 Vienna, Austria, tel.: +43 1 7481 633 11; fax: +43 1 7481 633 15; e-mail: arlt@adis.at; http://www.inst.at/kulturen

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World Summit on the Arts and Culture

Singapore, 23-26 November 2003

The Second World Summit on the Arts and Culture, to be hosted by the National Arts Council of Singapore, will be held 23-26 November 2003.

The summit, which will be organised in partnership with the International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA), will see representatives of arts and culture agencies from around the world gather to exchange ideas and debate key issues. The theme and programme will be announced later in the year.

For more information, please contact: IFACCA, Lvl 2 / 372 Elizabeth St., Surry Hills 2010 NSW, Australia, PO Box 788, Strawberry Hills 2012 NSW Australia, tel.: +61 2 9215 9016 fax: +61 2 9215 9111; e-mail: ifacca@ozco.gov.au

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Euroamerican Cultural Cooperation Campus

Sevilla, Spain, 1-5 December 2003

The Iberoamerican States Organization for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), the Interarts Foundation and the County of Andalucía are organizing the third edition of the III Euroamerican Cultural Cooperation Campus which will take place in Sevilla, Spain, on 1-5 December 2003.

The Campus is the most visible part of a cooperation process that aspires to be a platform for meeting, reflection and mutual learning in terms of cultural relations between Europe and America. The first edition took place in Barcelona in 2000, where attendants agreed on the advisability and utility of creating an ongoing process of exchange and debate based on the work of cooperation networks in the arts and heritage, of the heads of public administrations related to the cultural sector, and of cultural policy researchers.

At the second edition, which took place in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia in 2001, the previously initiated work was deeply revised and further reflection, sharing and transfer of experience and mutual learning were encouraged. Likewise, the creation of a Euroamerican Forum of cultural networks was promoted and is expected to be formally developed in this year’s edition. Topics related to cultural rights, artistic networks, training in cultural management, the field of economy and culture, the role of local cultural authorities, the work done by observatories and research projects, as well as the areas of cultural heritage and cultural tourism, are some of the common subjects identified to be included in the Campus agenda.

The organizers of the event expect to grant financial assistance towards covering travel, lodging, support and inscription in the event to a limited number of attendants, according to criteria of professional, institutional and geographic interests.

For more information, please contact: Margarita Méndez, Interarts Foundation, mmendez@interarts.net or Mónica García, OEI, mgarcia@oei.es

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The Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity - Supporting the Growth of Creative Industries

Paris, France, 2 December 2003

During a one-day conference entitled The Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity - Supporting the Growth of Creative Industries, organized by UNESCO's Division of Arts and Cultural Enterprise and to be held on 2 December 2003 at UNESCO Headquarters, the achievements of the Global Alliance will be presented and innovative ways of strengthening creative industries and encouraging free exchange of cultural products as a tool for development will be discussed. Partners of the Global Alliance and promoters of projects operating under the Global Alliance will intervene alongside representatives of Development Banks, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the International Labour Office (ILO).

The Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity was launched in January 2002 in order to create new synergies between public, private and not-for-profit sectors with the aim of strengthening cultural industries and enterprises in developing countries while ensuring effective copyright protection. Today it has a 160-member base, while 22 pilot partnership projects are being developed. A web-based database allowing the matching of partners has been set up and a series of "Global Alliance Tools" intended to help members develop their creative enterprises and projects have been published.

Contact: e-mail: globalalliance@unesco.org, http://www.unesco.org/culture/alliance.

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Crime and Punishment within the Modern Culture

Samara, Russia, 5-6 December 2003

The Samara Law Institute of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, in conjunction with the Samara Society for Cultural Studies will organize the First International Correspondence Conference on Crime and Punishment within Modern Culture: Problems and Prospects, Samara, 5-6 December 2003.

The conference mission is to further the international exchange of ideas and information on law culture among academics and practitioners from around the world. The conference is conceived as an interdisciplinary gathering of researchers, scholars, teachers and practitioners who are interested in studying crime and punishment in all aspects and manifestations of contemporary culture, including its position on a global level.

For more information, please contact: Samara Law Institute, Rylskay street 24(v), RU-443022 Samara, Russia; tel.: (8462) 92 67 65; fax: (8462) 92 62 62; e-mail: samuin@yandex.ru

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World Summit on Information Society

Geneva, Switzerland, 10-12 December 2003

The international community is organizing a World Summit on Information Society. It will take place in two stages: in Geneva, 10-12 December 2003, to be followed up in Tunis two years later.

Information society is at the heart of the political, social, cultural and economic questions confronting us at the beginning of the 21st century. The focus of the Information Society Summit is not technology but the human being - we must keep in mind that it is not enough to be connected to resolve the fundamental problems that exist in the world.

What values do we embrace to ensure that information society becomes a vehicle for democracy, justice, equality, respect for individuals and peoples, their personal and social development? What is the role of communication in shaping the future of the society that we want to build?

Information travels at an increasingly faster speed. How does this affect people of different cultures and stages of development? How do we respect each other's differences while building a responsible society? How do we give each culture the space and visibility necessary to participate in a dynamic that will revolutionize society? How do we give each individual the tools of information and communication necessary for his or her prosperity and creative potential? These are among the questions facing the international community.

The summit plans to adopt the following documents:

  1. a Declaration embodying a set of principles and rules of conduct aimed at establishing a more inclusive and equitable information society; and
  2. a Plan of Action formulating operational proposals and concrete measures to be taken so that people the world over will benefit more equitably from the opportunities presented by information society.

For more information, please visit http://www.geneva2003.org/